While its formal launch is expected in a few days, OnePlus 6 has now been revealed with an all-new back panel that will enable wireless charging support. OnePlus has officially confirmed that the upcoming OnePlus 6 features "new materials". It is speculated that the smartphone will come with a ceramic back panel. This new panel is likely to make the OnePlus 6 a stronger competitor against the likes of Essential Phone and Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S that both sport a ceramic back.
A tweet by OnePlus India hinted the presence of a new back material on the OnePlus 6. "Same expert craftsmanship, new materials #OnePlus6," the tweet reads. The tweet accompanies an image that shows a glossy black surface with an engraved line that says "Designed by OnePlus". The black surface could be the ceramic back panel on the new OnePlus handset.
Unlike the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T that both had an aluminium back, the OnePlus 6 will certainly need to come with a new panel if it has to offer wireless charging - as surfaced in a leaks-based concept video. Companies such as Essential Products and Xiaomi have already used ceramic as the material on their offerings to enable wireless charging.
If not the ceramic back, the OnePlus 6 could come with a glass back. Some early rumours already give hints on this development. Moreover, a glass back on the OnePlus 6 will make it a closer competitor against the Apple iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S9 that both come with glass back panels.
That said, we need to wait for the official launch to understand which new material the OnePlus 6 will feature. The handset will be an Amazon Exclusive in India and is expected to come with a water-resistant build. It will also come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB inbuilt storage.
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